Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy birthday to Paige!

Yea! It's Paige's birthday! Today my sweet (big) baby turns 13...I can't believe it.

I still remember Paige's sweet little face the night she was born...round and chubby with big blue eyes. She looked around for hours, taking it all in as everyone (and I mean everyone--grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends) passed her around, not crying once the entire time...just trying to figure this world out. She was such a beautiful and sweet baby.

When Paige was a little thing, I went to school and had to work a lot, but on the Saturday's I didn't have to work, it was our day to hang out. We would always start by cleaning the house (yes, she actually liked helped out back then!), and end at her Little Tykes picnic table in her play room. We would both crowd around that tiny thing, me with my knees squeezed underneath, and munch down on breakfast or lunch or have fantastic little tea parties. Tea party was always one of her favorite things to play (at home and with Gigi), along with jumping on the bed at Nana's house (thanks, Nana)!
Paige has always loved music. I remember one night she called me to her bedroom saying she had a surprise for me. She made me sit on the floor while she crawled up on the bed, stood up like she was a superstar on stage, and turned on her CD player. She serenaded me with "Your Heart Will Lead You Home" from the Tigger Movie! I'll have to say I had to fight tears back on that was so precious! Paige was such a sweet little girl, and that was one of my favorite memories.

As an elementary schooler, she always had the sweetest, most caring nature of any kid I'd ever been around. She had (and still has) such a giving spirit. Another of my favorite memories with Paige is the year she wanted to buy Christmas gifts with her own money. We got up super early on Black Friday and hit Lowe's in Russellville because they had big flash lights on sale that she wanted to buy all of the men in our family. I thought we were NEVER going to pick out all of those flash lights. She went through each one, picking out the color that she thought each person would like the best, not paying any attention to the ever-growing grumbling crowd behind her.

Then came the double-digit years. I knew friends were becoming more important to her than I was. Especially in the last two years, our house has been filled (and I mean filled) with laughter and giggles when she has friends over for the night. Although the giggling gets loud on occasion, I wouldn't trade it for anything (I do wish we had designed our house a little differently on some nights, though)! I am so thankful that she has great friends.

I have so many memories of Paige that make me laugh and smile that I couldn't begin to share them all. I am so blessed to have seen my sweet baby grow into a sweet young lady. It's hard to believe she's not a tiny little thing that likes to play with toys anymore, but that doesn't change the fact that she's still my sweet baby doll, even if she is as big as me!

Happy birthday, Paige!


  1. Ha! Kids are so funny! I'm sure you're a great example for him. ;)

  2. Oops. Just commented on the wrong post.'s been a long day!
